Tag: Repurpose

Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure

Trash Here’s a new project that was so simple. We got a new piano and needed to recover the bench. On it was some pretty nasty brown and white vinyl. I got out my screwdriver, and took the seat off the hinges. Then I took 

From Trash to Treasure

From Trash to Treasure

Trash Treasure I have problems throwing things away. I’m a bit of a hoarder and all you crafty people out there can probably understand why. I do end up using the things that I have (if I can find them). I heard the six-month rule 

Getting the Right Color

I made a mistake yesterday. I should have followed the rules. I’ve done this before and I should have learned my lesson. I got cocky and went against that little voice in my head telling me I should take more time to decide. I should