Tag: Jewelry

A Vintage Suitcase Saves the Day- Making a Cool Jewelry Tote

A Vintage Suitcase Saves the Day- Making a Cool Jewelry Tote

I don’t know if you remember this cute little suitcase? Well, it’s now holding my jewelry after a little bit of work. I was contacted by a local school that is looking for a creative gift to give their principal who is moving to another 

Tackle it Tuesday- Playful Things

Tackle it Tuesday- Playful Things

Life has gotten hectic. Between two school auctions and a carnival, the Honeybee Boutique Sale coming up, freelance work and volunteering, my head is just spinning. And I know I’m like most women out there- wanting the best of both worlds. What keeps me sane 

My Deer

My Deer

Posted via Jessica’s Blog at www.jessicaramey.com Check out my newest little creation. This charming little pendant makes me dream of green pastures and peace. Doesn’t that sounds good right about now? Sigh! Okay, now I’m signing off to go list it on Etsy.

Oregon State Capitol Necklace Giveaway

Oregon State Capitol Necklace Giveaway

I’m excited to announce my second necklace giveaway and this one is special to Salem. Hosting the giveaway is Salem Man who writes the blog www.salemites.com which is a super cool place to get the latest info about Salem. The writer also is the co-creator 

Such a Capitol Idea

Such a Capitol Idea

After reading the crazy history of burnt down capitols and the various arguments over where to house the capitol, I wanted to make a pendant that features Salem and it’s rich history. So here it is, a tiny little recreation of the Oregon State Capitol. 

Announcing my New Etsy Store!

Announcing my New Etsy Store!

My friend Cheryl, aka TinkersShop has given me an amazing opportunity to sell one-of-a-kind vintage jewelry and supplies. These items are from an estate of a woman who owned pieces of broken jewelry and repaired it or re-purposed them into original creations. I would think 

Work in Progress

Work in Progress

Here’s another necklace I’ve been working on. This is for a wife who’s hubby is serving our country overseas. May our thoughts and prayers be with all of these heroes as well as their families at home missing them so much! Note: This picture was 

Custom Orders

Custom Orders

I’ve been so lucky to work with an amazing woman from Kentucky making custom Valentine’s Day presents. Beth wanted something special for her mom, sister as well as herself, and was kind enough to send the project my way. I’ve never met Beth, she found 

And the Winner Is…

And the Winner Is…

Drum roll please….. The winner of the Fortune Shaker Necklace is….. Molly from New Mexico! Congrats Molly. And for those of you who didn’t win and want to purchase one of these cute little necklaces, visit my Etsy shop. And thanks to everyone who entered! 

Into the Sunset, movable art pendant

Into the Sunset, movable art pendant

Sail Into the Sunset with this charming creation. Everyday can be a vacation when you wear this necklace. Simply pull the pin and watch as the boat sails off to paradise.

Flower Fairy Pendant

Flower Fairy Pendant

Here’s my newest necklace added to my Etsy shop. I’ve tried a new technique of making items move in the necklace and I’m quiet happy with the results.  Also see those cute little beads and flower? (Tink gave them to me, thank you, as always!).

New Year Giveaway, Fortune Shaker Necklace

New Year Giveaway, Fortune Shaker Necklace

This is my 202 post. I can’t believe how fast time has flown! And now it’s almost a new year! A celebration is in order…”let the wild rumpus start!”. My little way of saying thank you to my faithful readers is to give away this 

“Peek A Boo Kitty” Pendant

“Peek A Boo Kitty” Pendant

With this pendant I tried out a couple of ideas that were running through my mind. One challenge I had, was making a window that was see though to revealed something different than expected. The other challenge was figuring out how to make some hinges