Springtime in Salem, a painting
Did any of you Salemites witness the crazy hail storm today? Our neighborhood was quickly blanked in little hail balls around noon. It was surely a fun site to see. I was busy rushing the kids into the car for a doctor’s appointment (Little Missy has two awful ear infections). Little Man was angry that the magic quickly melted away. “I didn’t even get to taste it Mom!” I’m continuously thankful that my children who remind me of the simple joys in life.
One of the most beautiful joys is seeing our State Capitol in the springtime. With the cherry trees in full bloom, it’s delightful to watch a gust of wind pick up to shower the square with cherry petals–looking much like the hail storm today. So today I’m sharing with you this painting I just painted. Boy do I wish for spring but I need to remember to live in the now and take those few special moments to taste the snow!