Happy Birthday Jules Verne and thank you Google!
Google I adore you! I love how you tap into my brain and give me a tool that is useful with a playful flair!I love your Google logos aka Doodles.
Today Google features Jules Verne the Father of Science Fiction. I’m going to fess up now. I can’t say I’m a SciFi fan (I know you are gasping, in horror at that statement!) but that is only because I was tortured, yes tortured as a child. My father was and still is a big SciFi fan and Star Trek was a my Chinese water torture of my youth. But I can honor the amazing way Jules Verne was able to create things in worlds that have never been created. An inventor and storyteller, Jules Verne takes his readers on adventures. And Google happens to capture his essence well in today’s Google.com search page.
There you can play a steampunk-styled submarine game, taking you 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea to look out portholes. This game is interactive and through the control of the lever you’ll search in the deep sea to find starfish, coral, fish, a diver, and even a narwhal.
This isn’t the first time google gussied up their site. Another favorite Google Doodle of mine is a vintage style PacMan game. Check it out if you haven’t already.
Hooray to you Google for making something ordinary (or extraordinary) extra extraordinary! And happy birthday Jules Verne. Creatives like you make the world worth living!
Bucket List addition: Ride a Narwhal.
This is simply awful but I must share with you Mr. Critic… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykwqXuMPsoc