Elemental Fortune

A Marble Run, Fortune Telling Sculpture

Sometimes you have to listen to your little weirdo voice that wants to make something strange and playful. It’s never going to sell but it will make your heart sing. That’s what Elemental Fortune is all about. How I enjoy the anticipation of choosing the right marble and sending it spiraling down, turning, zig-zagging, and spinning to its final destination. The reveal of matching the fortune with where it lands and then seeing its accuracy is super fun.

Sometimes art is really stuffy and fussy. But this is light, silly, and whimsical. It reminds me to not take myself too seriously and to try different options.

Come to the show at Western University if you can, and take a whirl for yourself!

Jessica Ramey with Elemental Fortune Sculpture
Elemental Fortune, Marble Run Sculpture by Jessica Ramey
Elemental Fortune, Marble Run Sculpture by Jessica Ramey
Elemental Fortune, Marble Run Sculpture and Fortune by Jessica Ramey

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