DIY Studio’s Little Free Library is Keeping Salem Creative

little free library


I love the Little Free Library concept and have been wanting to create one for DIY Studio for quite some time. Our neighbors banned together to create the first Little Free Library in Salem and I knew that DIY Studio and the residents of Salem could benefit from a downtown, creative Little Free Library. I had images of folks sharing zines, mixed tapes, artwork, comics, recipes, and creative books. DIY Studio’s first location in a mall made implementation difficult, however in the Salem Arts Building, all I had to do was ask the owner and he agreed in an instant that we could install the LFL in the lobby.

So we got to work. I visited the ReStore  and picked up a reuse cabinet for $15 and scored some plexiglass for 50 cents. Actually, that was the only cost that went into creating the LFL. We also picked up a eclectic donation from Create A Memory of discarded nick nacks and paddy whacks. Those items became the inspiration for our kooky encrusted LFL. With the help of some awesome volunteers we put our plan into action.

Lori used her muscle to drill the tin cans to the top and fix the plexiglass to the door and Lisa helped me glue and cut hundreds of glass pieces, bottle caps, buttons, glass marbles, straws, a watch, letters, jewelry and other odd bits.


I also made hand stamped clay tiles in our donated kiln (thanks Oden family) to dedicate the LFL and share the concept: take a book, leave a book

DIY Studio, Salem Arts Building Take a Book, Leave a Book

We got ooey-gooey with grout and mounted it on a donated pedestal from Mary Lou Zeek.

Now we just need to send in our registration to the national organization. Their site has lots of information about becoming a LFL steward, a national map, and great photos. Such an awesome cause and wonderful social experiment that benefits the community. So come visit ours and make sure you visit the other Free Little Libraries in Salem. Like their Facebook page, and here’s an updated map:

LFL, Salem Oregon

Keep it creative Salem!

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