A Creative Reuse Center 4 You

There are only few more days left of our online fundraising campaign. We have accomplished lots so far. We have raised enough to apply for our non-profit status and the rest is going into the kitty to be used for a space. Have no fear, if we do not fund we will keep fundraising, working harder, and educating more people in Salem about what a Creative Reuse Center will provide to the community. Maybe we’ll find a more industrial location for a lower cost or maybe our place will simply be smaller. But we will make this happen. Our community needs it!

Your are our strongest advocates. Please share our campaign with friends and family and encourage supporters to join our cause. Every facebook message, email, and conversation with a friend about DIY Studio gets us closer to a Creative Reuse Center. If you find someone who doesn’t know how they fit in, or what DIY Studio can do for them, share this handy chart. EVERYONE can benefit from this on an individual level (not to mention a community and environmental level). Thanks so much for your support and joining us on this exciting journey!

How a creative reuse Center bennifits a community

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