Month: October 2012

13 Nights of Halloween, Community Craft

Okay all you Salemites, how many of you have heard of Culture Shock’s 13 Nights of Halloween? Timed perfectly for the dark, dank nights of October, this event (err series of events) is something worth celebrating. There is excitement planned for everyone whether you seek 

DIY Phone Home

We have this area in our home where the phone is housed and where everything else collects. I love this little alcove, however it didn’t seem like it was living up to it’s full potential. Enter Richard Scarry. You know, the books? If you like 

Faux Wood Painted Floors

We pulled out the carpet and put in new floors. But when we got to the stairs, we knew we’d have a problem. The stairs were made from unsealed mdf and there were large cracks on the sides. We couldn’t afford new hardwood stairs so 

We’re Going Postal

I found myself in a predicament. My 7 year-old son dislikes writing! It’s like pulling teeth to get him to sit down and write a couple of words. Whining, clenched teeth, and overall grumpiness would ensue. So I came up with an idea…he could write 

Dining Table Redue

 Check out my old table. It’s seen a lot of craft projects, paint, glue and crumbs. And the worst part about this table were the recessed areas where all the glitter and food crumbs would like to hide out. The design was supposed to look