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Monday, December 22, 2008


This tree fell last night. It was right across the street from our house and thankfully it just fell in the road and no one was hurt. Now every time we hear a crack or pop from the ice we worry about limbs falling. There are lots of old trees around our house especially on the side where my kiddos bedrooms are. So, being the paranoid mommy that I am, hubby and I moved the kids and their mattresses into the living room late last night. It was like a little slumber party with all the family sleeping on the floor. The only bummer... hubby went to work today, walking to the bus again through snow and ice....ugh! And when he got there THEN they told him it was closed till 10am. Seems like they could have notified the media about that a little earlier. But my family is safe and we have heat so it's all good!

Also kudos to our local police. They responded very quickly with flares and cones to block off the road. Also our city sent out a crew to cut down the tree first thing this morning. With all of the down trees and accidents, I think they are doing an amazing job responding so quickly!

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We are a family without a sled. It's sad but true and after watching other kids walk (read slide) down our street pulling sleds behind them, I wondered what we could use instead of running out and purchasing one. It's been such a mess on the roads I haven't wanted to venture out and possibly risk our lives just to get a sled (love the dramatics, don't you?). So we took out our baking sheets. Sure the other kids thought we were a bit strange but hey those suckers practically flew. I even hopped on one and raced Little Missy a couple of times. And boy do I have an aversion to sleds. I once dislocated my knee sledding and really don't like feeling out of control. But since this wasn't a sled at all I bravely (with my heart beating) went up the hill, sat on the metal tray, hugged my knees (to keep them safe) and away I flew. I guess sometimes it is fun to let it all go and risk it. I came back in one piece and my kiddos had a wonderful time.

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It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

Ah, isn't snow so darn romantic at night? Love it!

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