Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Technical Support to the Rescue!

Goodness, it's been a crazy day! Nothing as bad as losing a limb or a job, but it's been one challenge after another. It started when we woke up and hubby's car wouldn't start. Since he had to do some traveling across town, he couldn't take the bus. So, I loaned him mine and rushed to get the kids ready for school. School is in walking distance but I wasn't planning for the extra time it takes for little man to walk there. I became some sort of commander, snapping orders to my children as if it was the front line. Too bad my subordinates are monkey with AD/HD. Focus kids, focus!

Little Man complained all the way and wanted me to carry him. It was the same way on the way back to pick up sister. Geez, we need to walk LOTS more! I've got to toughen up my little soilders.

Thank goodness I have AAA. I called in the afternoon so I could make sure I was there when the the auto guy arrived to jump the car. Hubby came home to help, and the automotive guy replaced our battery and every thing! I'm so happy that it wasn't the alternator or something worse.
So this afternoon I came up with a clever birthday idea for hubby. I'm always encouraging him to write, one because I think he is a genius, two because he's very funny, and three because he tells me he wants to be a writer. Since he is so critical about himself, he never gets any writing done. So my brilliant idea was to register his very own domain and create a blog for him where he could get some writing done under a pen name.

So somehow Blogger and I argued over who was logged in ('s my bad, I got confused) and then I became the author of hubby's blog. That's not what I wanted so I went to delete the blog and what did I do??? Well, once again my blog was deleted. Every thing was, past posts, formatting. Good thing I saved everything on my own host. But nothing was linking.

The good news, I needed major "technical support" (read ice cream) and found the most yummy flavor...slow churned Take the Cake ice cream from Dreyers (aka Edy's). It's AMAZING! It has frosting, cake and even sprinkles in it. I'm sure it's made for kiddos but I think it's now my favorite. Hubby was sent on a mission to find me "ice cream now!" and he came home with a winner!
So with my "technical support" I'm happy to say the blog is now fixed. 4pm-9pm not too bad. Not perfect, but fixed. I've just played with the archives below, so I can go back to see past posts. Ahhh....


Blogger Jessica Ramey Designs said...


February 19, 2009 8:01 AM  

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