Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cruise With Me

I'm super excited. Our vacation is just around the corner. Soon Hubby, the kiddos, and I will cruise off to Alaska. We've never taken a cruise before and I'm looking forward to not having to cook for seven straight days. Oh, the luxury!

A girl has to accessorize on such an occasion so I made this "cruise with me" movable necklace. On the back of the pendant is a mini collage with the words "love boat". Wishful thinking with two kiddos in our room but we'll see. The in-laws will come along as well. Hubby's mom grew up in Alaska and my hubby spent most of his childhood there so it will be a big treat for them to visit again.

I'll hold back my disdain for wildlife sweatshirts (I'm sure there will be lots of those both on and off the ship) and embrace the scenery and gorge myself silly at the midnight chocolate buffet. Wish me luck!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Backyard Makeover

I picked out some bright fun colors (Spa Green and Red Flambe) at the store to paint my raised beds and bench. Before the backyard seemed dull and the colors really made a difference. An added bonus was that I found some pillows on sale for $2.50 that matched my tan patio set too!

A handmade trellis using branches left over from a wind storm.

The best find was this bakers rack off of Craigs list. It cost $30 and I just added paint to help it stand out. I started by painting it by hand and realized it took much too long to get good coverage. I turned to spray paint and was much happier with the results. The rack will come in handy for potting flowers or entertaining.
Here's some painted bird houses that add interest to our fence.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?

I've never stopped playing. Some play sports and get a rush, for some it's coffee (although somedays that's nice too), but I get my high creating and playing. Creating brings so much joy in my life, I just can't stop.

Yesterday I had fun playing with buttons. I love the look of cool fabric covered buttons and yesterday I made my own. I had lots of help from my kiddos who encouraged me to use green fabric because it was Little Man's favorite color, or red polka dots since it matched Little Missy's dress that day.

But the problem always comes up when I've created all these wonderful items and they are laying around the house. My hubby is a saint. He understands my need to create and puts up with the aftershock. The messy house, the scattered material of discards from projects long past, and the multiples of creations that have no home. They don't call me Jess the Mess for no reason. And some day, I'll find the time to actually put it up on Etsy and sell them. At least that's what I tell myself. So my question is when does your outlet become your addiction? Gosh I'm a sicko...I really should post my stuff on Etsy RIGHT NOW....or maybe a coffee sounds good? Always chasing the dragon.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Amazing Video

Check out this video from Lisa Hannigan - Lille from ATO Records on Vimeo. It's so cool it gives me goose bumps!

Lisa Hannigan - Lille from ATO Records on Vimeo.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Megan's Marshmallow Candy Cones

My friend Megan surprised me and my family with a basket full of goodies for Easter. One of the things she made were some Marshmallow Candy Cones that were amazing! They reminded me of wafer cookies with marshmallow. Hubby and I devoured most of them ourselves.

After talking to Megan, she told me how she made them. And I thought I would share the recipe with you!
Start by collecting all of your ingredients. You'll need:
  • 1/2 of a bag of Large Marshmallows
  • 30 kiddie cones
  • White Chocolate
  • Milk Chocolate
  • Food coloring
  • Sprinkles
  1. Heat up the milk chocolate in the microwave. Stir every 30 seconds or so to make sure the chocolate won't scorch.
  2. After the chocolate is melted, drop a dollop of chocolate into each cone.
  3. Add a marshmallow into each cone.
  4. Melt the white chocolate and add food coloring for desired color.
  5. Dip each marshmallow filled cone into the melted white chocolate.
  6. Add sprinkles.If you are a good friend like Megan, share them with your friends or coworkers and they'll just love you to pieces! Chocolate is always better when shared with friends.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cargo Pants Repurposed

I had some Cargo Pants laying around that were too big. It's so nice to write this since lately my pants are too tight! The pants were sitting around in the donate pile for awhile since I haven't made a donation run in some time. I did want to make some small bags for the kiddos to take on trips so they can carry around a small notebook, snacks and toys. I decided to re purposed these pants into bags. They were so easy too! If you can sew a pillow case you can sew these bags.

I cut around the cargo pockets and put them together like a sandwich, nice side facing out. Then I sewed around the edges on three sides, leaving the top open. Then I turned the wrong sides out and sewed around the same sides, creating a French seam. This kind of seam is great because it encases the raw edges so they can't be seen. I then rolled over the top edge two times and sewed it so those raw edges were hidden. For the strap I used the sides of the pants and sewed them to the sides of the bag.

You can use pins if you like but I didn't. Pins just get in my way and since I'm a bit accident prone, I usually poke myself a few times with them. Pins are NOT my friends.

Using just one pair of pants, I was able to make two bags and have enough left over for one more. I LOVE that they are unisex and easy to wash. They almost look like we picked them up at the Army Surplus store. And the best thing, my kids think they are so cool!

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

FREE Access to Newspaper Archives

I've gritted my teeth in anger at the Statesman Journal when trying to access their archives, only to see that their articles are not free. Really? The Statesman Journal has the audacity to charge for archived info? Newspapers for generations have been a great source for historic research and I would think that the Statesman would want to have their content accessible for free. Even the New York Times and The Oregonian have a bulk of their archives searchable for free. Being the cheapskate that I am, I've never paid the SJ and instead have told myself if it's that important, I should just go to the library for the info. Well, I guess I've never found an article that important or maybe I should just say I'm as lazy as I am cheap.

But today I learned something that I'm so darn excited to share! Everyone who owns a library card through the Salem Public Library can access this info for FREE! That's right! No need to pay for something that should be free. This is just another lovely service the library offers us free of charge....Hugs to you Salem Public Library for allowing access to EVERYONE!

Now let me walk you through how you can search for free too!
1. Visit the Salem Public Library's Website and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on "Do research using our database".

2. Scroll to you get to the "Newspaper Archives" section and click on your newspaper of choice.

3. Enter your entire library card number found on the back of your library card and then click "Log in". Congrats, you will be directed to a searchable database FOR FREE!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Greetings

Hope all of you had a wonderful Easter! Ours was quiet but still fun. Hubby was on duty and we couldn't travel. So we hogged all of our kiddos attention except for the Easter Bunny who spoiled them rotten. Our kids really do make the holidays so much more special and meaningful. I'm so thankful for them!


Easy Sheet Music Wreath

This is a very simple and easy project. I cut some foam core for a base for the wreath. I didn't even make it perfectly circular since I knew the music sheets would cover it up. Then I cut my music sheets down to a square shape. Roll them up so they look like a cone and glue them closed. Then glue onto the base with hot glue or glue dots. Continue around the base until it's all filled in. I then added a medallion I made with a bird motif and crepe paper (same as paper streamers) fixed onto the back for a ruffled look. I also added some tulle for added depth. Poke a hold in the foam core to hang on a nail. So simple!

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Sing your Heart Out!

Thanks Megan for showing me this! It sure made me want to dance!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tie Dyed Eggs

This is a really cool idea and once again, it did not originate with me. I saw this idea from Mahard Dry Goods. Mahard Dry Goods sold a kit that was available for purchase, but being the cheapskate that I am, I then searched online for the technique and came across a free tutorial from Thanks Our Best Bites for the awesome instructions!

These eggs were so easy to make, even my kiddos got involved. We used old ties from hubby's closet (the ones thrown to the side with stains on them). Really any fabric that is 100% silk will work. Now you too can make the Easter Bunny envious by checking out the tutorial and tie dying some eggs of your own! Enjoy!

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bringin' out the Blooms

I walked by the most lovely cherry tree today and took some photos. The blossoms were delicate and fluffy. It looked like the tree was covered in cotton candy. So nice!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sewing Recyle

It is cold outside and rainy. It doesn't feel like Spring at all here in gloomy Oregon. I needed a project to cheer me up! So yesterday I set off to Goodwill to find some materials. I decided to go to the "bins". Have you been to one yet? At this type of Goodwill you get to search through bins and then your loot is paid for by pound. It's such an interesting place. Some pro scroungers have gloves on and some have carts of books and scan each with some type of gadget to find it's worth. And then there is the mass riot of people running with elbows out whenever a new bin (full of never been picked through stuff) gets out on the floor.

But you can find some incredible deals! Have I told you about the time I got huge stack of old music sheets for only 50 cents! I can most always find something to repurpose there. I came home a happy shopper. I found some cute old sheets and some glassware that I can make some pedestals out of.

With one of the sheets I made this dress for Little Missy. I loved the spring colors and it was so darn simple! I found my instructions at Mama's Doodles. I made the sleeves a bit too big so I took them in a bit. And since I wasn't working from a pillowcase, and instead I used a sheet, I made french seems up the sides so everything looks nice and tidy inside the dress as well. I added some ribbon and rickrack to the bottom and saved some extra ribbons for Little Missy's hair. LOVE IT and she loves it too!

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Right Brain vs Left Brain test

Entertaining! It took me awhile to get her to spin anti-clockwise. Hubby tried too but said all he saw was her spinning clockwise and her nipples. Seems like they should have a well endowed male version of this just to be fair. It's all about equality right?

So what do you see? Via The Daily Telegraph

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Getting to know you!

Tell me a bit about yourself- who you are, where you're from, what you do, what you like the most and what you would like to see on this site. This can encourage me to also post more frequently. Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I LOVE reading other people's blogs! If you have one, please let me know about it!

Well, after searching around a bit I came across This Vintage Chica and her post about Summer Unschooling. It sounds so very interesting! It's really on the same lines of what I've been hoping for this summer. I'm not signing the kids up for classes, nope not one! We are going to have a flexible schedule where the kids can learn what they want and set up activities that are inexpensive, fun, doing things they want to do. There will be no pressure to get them dressed, fed, and then into the car each day so they can "learn". We can "learn" right at home.

I really don't know why parents fall into the trap of signing their children up for almost every activity out there during the summers. And somehow I feel as if I am inadequate as a parent if I don't have my kiddos signed up for numerous activities due to the pressure of other parents. I think this is somewhat of a new phenomenon. We keep our children as busy as we are in our adult lives. From videos, to TV, to sports, clubs, and camps, our kids are functioning at breakneck speeds. Where did those lazy days of summer go when I was a kid? When we rode bikes with friends, played in the forest (this would be called hiking nowadays) and pitched tents in the backyard. It's not like the pioneers sent their children off to sewing or hunting camp. They worked and learned from their parents. They had enough free time to be creative and enjoy the simple pleasures of live. Children were more in touch with nature and knew what it was like to make believe.

What was your most cherished summer memory? I'd love to hear what you enjoyed most as a kid.

Kudos to you Vintage Chica! Thanks for your inspiration and outlook on life!


Gallery Wall, A Magnetic Paint Mishap

Since my kiddos have started school, I find myself bombarded with their artwork and looking for ways to display it. We had nothing on our basement walls by the stairway, so I thought that my kids' creations might be a perfect addition. I started off by painting a handful of empty, old frames black. None of them matched so I thought black would help unify them a bit. I then tried to paint on some magnetic paint. BAD IDEA! I bought the spray on kind thinking it would be easy for the kids to change out their artwork themselves with magnets to hold the artwork in place. Well, after about 5 or so coats and several coughing and gagging fits from the fumes, the painted surface didn't hold anything. Even strong magnets had a hard time sticking to the wall.

Needless to say, I ditched the paint and just painted over it with the wall color. I used thumbtacks to keep the artwork in place. I do wish the magnetic paint would have worked so I wouldn't have thumbtack holes in the wall, but I'm still happy with how the project turned out. And my kids are excited that their artwork is framed and out on display. That makes me a happy mama!

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